If you are charged with a crime and you want to reduce your charges, you may have the option of asking for or accepting a plea bargain. Your criminal defense lawyer in Oklahoma will give you the best opportunity to reduce your charges, fines, and other penalties. 

Understanding Plea Bargains in Oklahoma Criminal Cases

A plea bargain is a binding legal agreement made between the defendant in a case and the state prosecutor handling the case. A plea bargain involves the defendant pleading guilty to the charged crimes in exchange for promises from the prosecution, such as reduced sentencing if the defendant is convicted of a crime during the court trial. 
In Oklahoma, a plea bargain may be offered between your arraignment and the start of your trial. A plea bargain is only valid if you knowingly waive some of your constitutional rights and there is sufficient evidence of your alleged crime. Waiving your constitutional rights generally means waiving your right to a trial, since most plea bargains settle the case outside of court. A voluntary waiver means you agree to the plea bargain without coercion. 

Ask Your Criminal Defense Lawyer: When Are Plea Bargains Offered?

There are a few circumstances in which either side of a criminal case may offer a plea bargain. For the prosecution, a plea bargain may be offered to save time on taking a difficult case to trial or to save the court system from holding a trial for individual crimes charged against a single defendant. The prosecution may also offer a plea bargain if they are unsure about the case going to trial.
For the defendant, a plea bargain may be offered to avoid the time and monetary burden of defending themselves in a court trial. A defendant may ask for a plea bargain to reduce a harsher punishment by pleading to a less severe charge, or to avoid negative publicity. A judge will decide whether to accept or reject a plea bargain. 

Are You Always Offered a Plea Bargain?

The likelihood of being offered a plea bargain will typically depend on your charges and the severity of your proposed punishment. If you are offered a plea bargain, your attorney will negotiate on your behalf and make a deal with the prosecution with your permission. Visit jpcannonlawfirm.com to learn more about how your defense attorney can help you reduce your charges. 
That said, even if you are not offered a formal plea bargain, it can be in your favor to plead guilty in some cases. Under Oklahoma sentencing guidelines, there is a credit for accepting responsibility for a crime. If you accept responsibility by pleading guilty, the prosecutor or judge may give you a lighter sentence. You will have the opportunity to plead your case during your arraignment or in front of a judge. 
You may be able to reduce your criminal charges or get lighter sentencing in your case if you agree to a plea bargain offered by the state prosecution. Your defense lawyer will ensure your plea bargain is fair and will negotiate for better sentencing on your behalf.